Submit Abstract
Please use this template (below) to insert your keywords (up to five), main abstract text and (optional) figure and then upload the document to the abstract submission portal. The title of your abstract, the author list and their affiliation will be inserted separately via the online portal – please do not include these in the template.
Please use the current formatting with Arial 12 as font type and size, justified alignment, 6 pt spacing before and after each paragraph and line spacing of 1.15 (multiple).
Please do not change the current margins in the template. The word count (maximum 400 words) includes both text and figure caption. No references are required. Abstracts need to be coherent presenting the main question/objectives, methodology and results.
Your single image (if required) can be in colour and should be at least 300 dpi in tiff or jpg format. It should be centred and accompanied by a caption as shown in the template, and any text in the image should be clearly legible. Please use Arial 11 for the caption, with ‘Figure 1’ in bold.